Markus Baldauf
University of British Columbia
When seeking to trade in over-the-counter markets, institutional investors typically restrict both the number of potential counterparties they contact and...
Show Previous VersionsWhen seeking to trade in over-the-counter markets, institutional investors typically contact only a small number of potential counterparties and limit...
We study the optimal execution problem in a principal-agent setting. A client contracts to purchase from a dealer. The dealer...
Show Previous VersionsWe study the optimal execution problem in a principal-agent setting. A client contracts to purchase from a dealer. The dealer...
We study the optimal execution problem in a principal-agent setting. A client (e.g., a pension fund, endowment, or other institution)...
We study liquidity supply in fragmented markets. Market makers intermediate heterogeneous order flows, trading off spread revenue against inventory costs....
Show Previous VersionsWe study liquidity provision in fragmented markets. Market makers intermediate heterogeneous order flows, trading off expected spread revenue against inventory...