
Please join me and the rest of the FTG Board in congratulating Christopher Clayton, Andreas Schaab, and Magdalena Rola-Janicka, the 2020 co-winners of the best paper in finance theory on the job market this past year. 


Co-Winner: Christopher Clayton graduating from Harvard, and Andreas Schaab a Harvard student, for the paper "Multinational Banks and Financial Stability" 


Co-Winner: Magdalena Rola-Janicka graduating from the University of Amsterdam for the paper "The Political Economy of Prudential Regulation"


Award committee: Simon Gervais, Brett Green, Valentine Haddad, Andrey Malenko,  and Victoria Vanasco.


Christopher has joined Yale and Magdalena Tilburg. They have both been invited to join the FTG. Andreas Schaab will be invited to join the FTG after graduating, conditional on getting an academic job and having a theory related job market paper.


Ron on behalf of the FTG board (Brett, Diego, Konstantin, Nadya, and Ron)