23rd Meeting at UNC (Fall 2020)

Oct 02 - Oct 03, 2020

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina


The UNC FTG meeting will be held virtually on Friday and Saturday, October 2 and 3, 2020. The meeting will be organized by Yasser Boualam, Jesse Davis, Paolo Fulghieri, Yunzhi Hu, and Jacob Sagi.


SCHEDULE (all times are EST)

Friday, October 2

11:00 am – 12:00 pm: Why Trade Over-the-Counter? When Investors Want Price Discrimination by Tomy Lee and Chaojun Wang

12:00 pm – 12:10 pm: Follow-up Q&A

12:10 pm – 12:25 pm: Breakout rooms

12:25 pm – 12:55 pm: Members meeting (discussion of the FTG Digest Proposal)

1:00 pm – 2:00 pm: Efficiency and Revenue in Linear Quadratic Double Auctions by Daniel Chen and Anthony Zhang

2:00 pm – 2:10 pm: Follow-up Q&A

2:10 pm – 2:25 pm: Breakout rooms

2:25 pm: Adjourn

Saturday, October 3

11:00 am – 12:00 pm: Delayed Crises and Slow Recoveries by Xuewen Liu, Pengfei Wang, and Zhongchao Yang

12:00 pm – 12:10 pm: Follow-up Q&A

12:10 pm – 12:25 pm: Breakout rooms

12:25 pm – 1:25 pm: Pivots and Prestige: Venture Capital Contracts with Experimentation by Xuelin Li and Martin Szydlowski

1:25 pm – 1:35 pm: Follow-up Q&A

1:35 pm – 1:50 pm: Breakout rooms

1:50 pm – 2:50 pm: Multinational Banks and Financial Stability by Christopher Clayton and Andreas Schaab

2:50 pm – 3:00 pm: Follow-up Q&A

3:00 pm: Adjourn 


Norms and rules for the meeting:

  1. Microphone off
  2. Video on
  3. Please do not chat
  4. Sessions will not be recorded unless requested by the speaker
  5. Small group breakout rooms will be assigned (like the usual small group dinners). Please participate and take the time to connect with your colleagues.

To receive attendance credit you must participate in the meeting in full.